Frases sobre ''Insects''
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I don't care how small or big they are, insects freak me out.
Autor: Alexander WangMe , Care , Small , Insects
I've always felt that specialization is best left to the insects.
Autor: Gregory BenfordAlways , Best , Left , Insects
It is common knowledge now that we depend on insects for our continued existence; that, without key pollinators, the human population would collapse in less than a decade.
Autor: John BurnsideKnowledge , Depend , Key , Insects
Stories mimic life like certain insects mimic leaves and twigs.
Autor: Mary GaitskillLife , Like , Stories , Insects
I'm always very interested in breeding. Raising cacti is breeding. My lotus plant collection is breeding. The insects are breeding.
Autor: Takashi MurakamiAlways , Plant , Collection , Insects
More people living in less space can put greater strain on already limited sanitation resources, and this can create a fertile breeding ground for waterborne infectious disease and the insects spreading them.
Autor: Seth BerkleyPeople , Space , Create , Insects
A refuge is supposed to prevent what? The genes from flowing out of sight? This refuge idea won't stop insects from moving across boundaries. That's absurd.
Autor: Jeremy RifkinStop , Moving , Sight , Insects
I get inspiration from a lot of things around me - nature, hills, people, and even insects.
Autor: Ruskin BondMe , People , Nature , Insects
Ants make up two-thirds of the biomass of all the insects. There are millions of species of organisms and we know almost nothing about them.
Autor: E. O. WilsonKnow , Nothing , Ants , Insects