Frases sobre ''Infrastructure''
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We had no idea that this would turn into a global and public infrastructure.
Autor: Vint CerfTurn , Public , Infrastructure , Global
I do think the blockchain infrastructure is here to stay.
Autor: Lisa SuThink , Stay , Blockchain , Infrastructure
You cannot separate the buildings out from the infrastructure of cites and the mobility of transit.
Autor: Norman FosterYou , Out , Buildings , Infrastructure
Microsoft does platform, not really infrastructure, and they do a little bit of Saas.
Autor: Safra A. CatzDoes , Little , Infrastructure , Microsoft
Kenya doesn't have much of an infrastructure for hosting a film.
Autor: Ralph FiennesFilm , Hosting , Infrastructure , Kenya
To those who say Britain cannot afford to invest in infrastructure, I say we cannot afford not to invest in our future.
Autor: Philip HammondSay , Future , Cannot , Infrastructure
The president's budget proposals have neglected water infrastructure.
Autor: Sue KellyPresident , Water , Budget , Infrastructure
We must invest in our nation's transportation infrastructure.
Autor: Dan LipinskiNation , Infrastructure , Transportation
Our marine terminals are invaluable commerce infrastructure, not only to our country but also for the many foreign manufacturers who sell primarily in the U.S. market.
Autor: Dana RohrabacherOnly , Country , Commerce , Infrastructure
What I think is happening in China is that they are recognizing mobile infrastructure is actually a critical piece of national infrastructure.
Autor: Borje EkholmThink , China , Mobile , Infrastructure