Frases sobre ''Industrial Revolution''

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To join in the industrial revolution, you needed to open a factory; in the Internet revolution, you need to open a laptop.

Autor: Alexis Ohanian
  Internet , You , Industrial Revolution

For our part, Africa will make a significant contribution to the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Autor: Ali Bongo Ondimba
  Will , Revolution , Industrial Revolution

The industrial revolution in the new century is, in essence, a scientific and technological revolution, and breaking through the cutting edge is a shortcut to the building of an economic giant.

Autor: Kim Jong-un
  New , Building , Industrial Revolution

We're on the brink of the next industrial revolution. Instead of buying things, you can make them on a printer. When you have a 3D printer, you can iterate more - what used to take months, now takes hours.

Autor: Bre Pettis
  You , Revolution , Industrial Revolution

We live in this era that has benefited from the Industrial Revolution, and we live with a kind of luxury and plenty that even all but the poorest of Americans live with a kind of sensuousness that was unimagined by medieval kings. But in order to get to this point, a lot of people had to suffer in really terrible ways.

Autor: David Liss
  People , Live , Get , Industrial Revolution

As a technologist, I see how AI and the fourth industrial revolution will impact every aspect of people's lives.

Autor: Fei-Fei Li
  See , People , AI , Industrial Revolution

As the great grandchildren of the industrial revolution, we have learned, at last, that the heedless pursuit of more is unsustainable and, ultimately, unfulfilling. Our planet, our security, our sense of equanimity and our very souls demand something better, something different.

Autor: Gary Hamel
  Better , Great , Industrial Revolution

You can't have an industrial revolution, you can't have democracies, you can't have populations who can govern themselves until you have literacy. The printing press simply unlocked literacy.

Autor: Howard Rheingold
  You , Revolution , Industrial Revolution

Conserving habitats is a wellspring for the next industrial revolution.

Autor: Janine Benyus
  Next , Revolution , Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution was about making physical things. Many of the manufactured goods that were once tangible objects have now been reduced to bits and bytes of data.

Autor: Jay Samit
  Data , Revolution , Industrial Revolution

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