Frases sobre ''Industrial''

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I would not wish to imply that most industrial accidents are due to intemperance. But, certainly, temperance has never failed to reduce their number.

Autor: William Lyon Mackenzie King
  Never , Wish , Accidents , Industrial

The social and industrial structure of America is founded upon an enlightened citizenship.

Autor: Bainbridge Colby
  America , Social , Citizenship , Industrial

I was in an industrial laboratory because academia found me unsuitable.

Autor: Benoit Mandelbrot
  Me , Because , Laboratory , Industrial

Transnational, gigantic industrial companies no longer operate within political systems, but rather above them.

Autor: Georg Henrik von Wright
  Political , Them , Within , Industrial

The U.S. is becoming an industrial heartland again.

Autor: James P. Gorman
  Again , Becoming , Industrial

Michigan is also the only industrial state that has a AAA credit rating.

Autor: John Engler
  Only , State , Credit , Industrial

I think that fashion is industrial, whereas style is ideological. So they're not necessarily connected.

Autor: Nate Lowman
  Think , Style , Fashion , Industrial

'Cost-saver' in industrial livestock agriculture may usually be taken to mean 'moral shortcut.'

Autor: Matthew Scully
  Moral , Mean , Agriculture , Industrial

We need no elaborate statistical proof that trade depends on prosperity in the industrial countries.

Autor: Arthur Lewis
  Need , Trade , Industrial , Prosperity

Industrial hemp is a very useful plant. I challenged the attorney general to get rid of the criminal stigma associated with hemp so we can look at it in terms of how it might be useful.

Autor: Jesse Ventura
  Look , How , Plant , Industrial

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