Frases sobre ''Individuality''
Aviso: Recollemos miles de frases de diferentes recursos públicos. Non somos responsables de ningún contido ou información incorrecta ou pouco precisa relacionada coas frases que recollemos na nosa web. Frases famosas, refráns, frases curtas, frases de pequenos. Frases de amizade, amor, cine, familia, humor, motivaciónreflexión, superación, vida e moito máis. O noso único obxectivo é ofrecerche estas frases como inspiración para que poidas facer dedicatorias únicas, expresar os teus pensamentos e emocións ou compartir nas túas redes sociais. Disfruta do noso contido.
It was their individuality combined with the shyness of their behavior that remained the most captivating impression of this first encounter with the greatest of the great apes.
Autor: Dian FosseyGreat , First , Behavior , Individuality
Individuality is only possible if it unfolds from wholeness.
Autor: David BohmOnly , Possible , Individuality , Wholeness
What is genius but the power of expressing a new individuality?
Autor: Elizabeth Barrett BrowningNew , Power , Genius , Individuality
Graphic design is the paradise of individuality, eccentricity, heresy, abnormality, hobbies and humors.
Autor: George SantayanaParadise , Design , Hobbies , Individuality
It was the spirit animating the mass and flowing from it, and it expressed the individuality of the building.
Autor: Louis SullivanSpirit , Building , Mass , Individuality
I love Brits! They are so full of energy and individuality. I am a fan!
Autor: Stacey BendetLove , Energy , I Am , Individuality
The psychological basis of the metropolitan type of individuality consists in the intensification of nervous stimulation which results from the swift and uninterrupted change of outer and inner stimuli.
Autor: Georg SimmelChange , Results , Nervous , Individuality
Certain defects are necessary for the existence of individuality.
Autor: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - Poeta AlemánExistence , Necessary , Individuality
The best thing you've got going for you is individuality.
Autor: Richard ThompsonYou , Best , Going , Individuality
Even though you're married, you're still individuals. You still have to grow and nurture your individuality.
Autor: Tamara TunieYou , Your , Grow , Individuality