Frases sobre ''Indigenous''

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If people can't acknowledge the wisdom of indigenous cultures, then that's their loss.

Autor: Jay Griffiths
  People , Wisdom , Loss , Indigenous

Various Turkish people invaded southwest Asia during the Middle Ages and carved an empire for themselves from lands occupied by the indigenous Semitic and Indo-European inhabitants.

Autor: John Shimkus
  People , Middle , Indigenous , Empire

I don't think there's been that many indigenous players in Australia.

Autor: Ashleigh Barty
  Think , Players , Australia , Indigenous

Yes, I'm proud to be indigenous. I'm half-Quechua-Huachipaeri from Peru.

Autor: Q'orianka Kilcher
  Proud , Yes , Indigenous , Peru

Bolivia is a majority indigenous nation, but that majority has always been excluded.

Autor: Evo Morales
  Always , Been , Nation , Indigenous

The white man is not indigenous to Africa. Africa is for Africans. Zimbabwe is for Zimbabweans.

Autor: Robert Mugabe
  Man , White , Africa , Indigenous

Obviously, my Indigenous culture is very special to me.

Autor: Jessica Mauboy
  Me , Special , Culture , Indigenous

I'm a member of the American Indian Movement, and I'm from the indigenous nations of the Western Hemisphere.

Autor: John Trudell
  American , Indian , Movement , Indigenous

There hasn't been that many indigenous Australians who have made it in the pop industry.

Autor: Jessica Mauboy
  Who , Made , Industry , Indigenous

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