Frases sobre ''Idiot''

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I'm an idiot.

Autor: Kate Mara

Have you ever noticed? Anybody going slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac.

Autor: Ronnie Corbett
  You , Than , Going , Idiot

I mean, look at her. Any idiot, you know, would quite taken with Amy.

Autor: Vince Gill
  You , Look , Know , Idiot

I'm a jerk, first and foremost. I don't know the answers. I'm an idiot. I make mistakes. I stick my foot in my mouth. I'm insensitive when I don't want to be.

Autor: Timothy Busfield
  Know , Mistakes , Idiot , Mouth

Actors look for characters. If they read a well-written character, and if they think the director's not an idiot, they're going to sign up and do some acting.

Autor: Andrew Dominik
  Look , Think , Character , Idiot

Only an idiot would open an exhibition saying, 'Look at my awesome work.'

Autor: Cai Guo-Qiang
  Look , Work , Saying , Idiot

Almost everybody is born a genius and buried an idiot.

Autor: Charles Bukowski
  Everybody , Born , Genius , Idiot

You can't get any movement larger than five people without including at least one flippin idiot.

Autor: Kim Stanley Robinson
  You , People , Without , Idiot

Bush is very clever. When the debate should have been about the deterioration of our cities and the lack of action by government, he sent in his idiot to make an outrageous statement about Murphy Brown.

Autor: Tim Robbins
  Action , Debate , Government , Idiot

I suddenly realised, hey, I'm not a lazy idiot, I'm an idler! It's something to aspire to, it's part of the creative process! That's fantastic!

Autor: Tom Hodgkinson
  Process , Creative , Idiot , Lazy

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