Frases sobre ''Husband''

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I don't have very many little fetishes, but the one I do have is that I like a particular mug to drink out of. It's just a small china cup, and I get very upset if my husband moves it.

Autor: Aminatta Forna
  Drink , Husband , Small , Upset

There are some women who have made some really hurting remarks about my relationship with my husband Himanshu Malhotra. They even dared to ask me if I have divorced him just because I don't put my pictures with him too often. Now that is really ridiculous!

Autor: Amruta Khanvilkar
  Me , Women , Husband , Relationship

What's funny is my husband doesn't have any tattoos at all, so he must be the very conservative one.

Autor: Ashley Scott
  He , Husband , Funny , Conservative , Tattoos

Jim Longenbach, poet, critic, and my husband, is always passing along life-changing books for me to read.

Autor: Joanna Scott
  Me , Always , Husband , Poet

I would like to get jobs doing other things that aren't necessarily always with my husband. I'd like to show range - and kiss another guy.

Autor: Katie Aselton
  Always , Doing , Husband , Kiss

I have sacrificed everything in my life that I consider precious to advance the political career of my husband.

Autor: Pat Nixon
  Life , Political , My Life , Husband

My dad's wife, my stepmom, is a serious painter. My dad also paints. My mother is a brilliant sculptor, and her husband is a sculptor.

Autor: Peter Heller
  Husband , Dad , Mother , Wife

My husband. He keeps me grounded. If I were in the world on my own, it would all be much more seductive. But I'm in a relationship that has nothing to do with the film world.

Autor: Emily Watson
  Me , World , Husband , Relationship

In her whole life Mom never earned more than five or six dollars a week. Being without a husband, it was hard for her to find any place at all for us to live.

Autor: Ethel Waters
  Life , Mom , Husband , Place

They see a work ethic in both of us. But, they also see that my husband is more in control of his future, and I am more reliant on other sources for my career.

Autor: Jami Gertz
  Work , I Am , Husband , Future

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