Frases sobre ''Hunger''
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There is a great insatiable hunger for good stories throughout the media.
Autor: Dave MorrisGood , Great , Hunger , Media
Acting is usually regarded as a wholly narcissistic pursuit but there really is a hunger in me to unravel the human condition.
Autor: Jason IsaacsMe , Human , Hunger , Acting
The world of 'The Hunger Games' is a paranoid survivalist's dream.
Autor: Kenneth OppelWorld , Hunger , Games , Dream
Viewed narrowly, all life is universal hunger and an expression of energy associated with it.
Autor: Mary Ritter BeardLife , Energy , Expression , Hunger
I finished 'The Hunger Games' trilogy, and I love most anything with zombies.
Autor: Rachel GibsonLove , Anything , Hunger , Games
This hunger for profits causes great misery for the people.
Autor: Walter UlbrichtPeople , Great , Hunger , Misery
Make hunger thy sauce, as a medicine for health.
Autor: Thomas TusserMake , Hunger , Health , Medicine
My brother was a huge fan of 'The Hunger Games' for a couple of years before I got the role, so he was really excited when he heard that I got the role.
Autor: Willow ShieldsHunger , Games , Brother , Excited