Frases sobre ''Human Nature''
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The parental, and filial affections seem to be as ardent, their sensibility and attachment, as active and faithful, as those observed to be in human nature.
Autor: William BartramNature , Human , Faithful , Human Nature
A theme I'm obsessed with is the tension between human nature and the frameworks designed to curb the worst and promote the best of it.
Autor: Douglas BruntBest , Worst , Nature , Human Nature
To feel much for others and little for ourselves; to restrain our selfishness and exercise our benevolent affections, constitute the perfection of human nature.
Autor: Adam SmithFeel , Nature , Perfection , Human Nature
For the same reason we have the Brad Pitts and the George Clooneys, it's just part of human nature to idolize stereotypes.
Autor: Neri OxmanNature , Human , Stereotypes , Human Nature
Thus first of all in His own person He sanctified, restored, and blessed human nature.
Autor: Martin ChemnitzNature , Person , Blessed , Human Nature
I'm pro-human. And I think recognizing the human nature of migration is very important.
Autor: Mohsin HamidThink , Important , Nature , Human Nature
I want to lift the audience to the miraculous in human nature. After all, we shouldn't be here, with all the odds against us in nature. It's kind of unusual and wonderful!
Autor: Paul TaylorWant , Nature , Us , Human Nature
There will always be people treated badly, which I feel is basic human nature and difficult to eliminate.
Autor: Peter F. HamiltonPeople , Feel , Nature , Human Nature
Feminism is doomed to failure because it is based on an attempt to repeal and restructure human nature.
Autor: Phyllis SchlaflyNature , Human , Failure , Human Nature
There is a great deal of human nature in man.
Autor: Charles KingsleyMan , Great , Nature , Human Nature