Frases sobre ''Hotels''
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I have stayed in lots of great hotels around the world, and the Plaza Athenee is definitely one of my favourites.
Autor: Tom Parker BowlesWorld , Great , Around , Hotels
I've stayed in enough hotels so I really know what works and what doesn't design-wise.
Autor: Patrick CoxReally , Know , Enough , Hotels
I grew up in the motel business, and it evolved into hotels.
Autor: Penny PritzkerUp , Business , Grew , Hotels
I've been working in boutique hotels my whole life.
Autor: Geoffrey ZakarianLife , Been , Working , Hotels
Writers really live in the mind and in hotels of the soul.
Autor: Edna O'BrienLive , Mind , Soul , Hotels
People should have literary and cultural taste and should not bomb hotels.
Autor: Upamanyu ChatterjeePeople , Taste , Should , Hotels
Richmond Fontaine bandleader Willy Vlautin writes songs akin to finely composed short stories set in the diners, bars, casinos, and old hotels of Reno and its environs.
Autor: George PelecanosShort , Old , Songs , Hotels