Frases sobre ''Honesty Is''

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Honesty is a complex and tricky thing, and we don't want to be honest all the time.

Autor: Dan Ariely
  Time , Want , Honesty , Honesty Is

Honesty is grounded in humility and indeed in humiliation, and in admitting exactly where we are powerless.

Autor: David Whyte
  Where , Honesty , Humility , Honesty Is

Party honesty is party expediency.

Autor: Grover Cleveland
  Politics , Party , Honesty , Honesty Is

Honesty is wonderful, but I suspect it's also overrated.

Autor: Karan Johar
  Honesty , Wonderful , Suspect , Honesty Is

Honesty is never seen sitting astride the fence.

Autor: Lemuel K. Washburn
  Never , Sitting , Honesty , Honesty Is

Self-deprecating humor and brutal honesty is a really freeing thing.

Autor: Margo Price
  Humor , Honesty , Brutal , Honesty Is

It might be said that the pose of absolute honesty is the most dishonest one of all.

Autor: Patrick Kavanagh
  Said , Honesty , Pose , Honesty Is

Honesty is the best policy; but he who is governed by that maxim is not an honest man.

Autor: Richard Whately
  Best , Man , Honesty , Honesty Is

Honesty is all you need.

Autor: Cass Elliot
  You , Need , Honesty , Honesty Is

For the merchant, even honesty is a financial speculation.

Autor: Charles Baudelaire
  Business , Honesty , Financial , Honesty Is

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