Frases sobre ''Hometown''
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Back in East Texas, all three networks have stations in my hometown of Tyler, and for a town that small, 85,000, to have all three networks, they all have their own news programs, six and 10, and they're always looking for news. Back when I was a judge, they were constantly coming to the courthouse and asking for comments.
Autor: Louie GohmertJudge , Looking , Small , Hometown
I knew I had to write a good screenplay to be taken seriously, and I knew I needed to present Mississippi on visuals instead of just saying, 'Hey I wanted to film it in Mississippi.' It would seem like it was a hometown boy just wanting to be home.
Autor: Tate TaylorHome , Good , Boy , Hometown
My mother keeps me abreast of all the hometown things.
Autor: Faith FordMe , Things , Mother , Hometown
I've been doing the 'Sherman's Lagoon' strip for about 18 years, and I was a political cartoonist before that for my hometown paper in Alexandria, Va.
Autor: Jim ToomeyDoing , Political , Years , Hometown
Chicago is my hometown and will always have a special place in my heart.
Autor: Kenneth ChoiHeart , Special , Place , Hometown
I do think of Bombay as my hometown. Those are the streets I walked when I was learning to walk. And it's the place that my imagination has returned to more than anywhere else.
Autor: Salman RushdieWalk , Learning , Hometown , Imagination
Growing up, I missed the whole 'Three Stooges' thing. Either they weren't on the station in my hometown, or we hadn't bought a TV set yet, or they came to town too late for me. I'm pretty sure that at the right age, I would have loved them.
Autor: Roger EbertMe , Age , Loved , Hometown
At 25, I found myself anchoring coverage of President Clinton's impeachment trial from Capitol Hill for WTVH-TV in my hometown of Syracuse, New York. I then covered Hillary Clinton's first Senate run.
Autor: David MuirMyself , New , Hometown , Hill
I had an amazing time on 'Stargate: Atlantis', and a really great run on that show, which was shot in my hometown. It was kind of a dream job.
Autor: Jewel StaiteTime , Great , Job , Hometown
I'm a secret interior decorator. There's a mural on my dining room wall of the railroad tracks at 30th Street Station in Philadelphia. I love having my hometown with me out here in California.
Autor: Jill ScottLove , Me , Hometown , Street