Frases sobre ''Homecoming''
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The 'Homecoming King' show started off as a storytelling show that I had done; I worked with Greg Walloch to develop it and build it into something bigger.
Autor: Hasan MinhajBuild , Done , King , Homecoming
Because homecoming came first, and there was the homecoming court. The five guys on homecoming court were disqualified from being in the prom court. So being prom king was being sixth most popular.
Autor: Andy RichterBeing , First , King , Homecoming
It's not the Olympics. It's Concord, New Hampshire, and a homecoming should reflect the community I'm part of.
Autor: Christa McAuliffeNew , Community , Reflect , Homecoming
Before the Colts arrived in 1947, the best athlete in town was a woman duckpin bowler named Toots Barger. Football? The biggest games in Baltimore had been when Johns Hopkins took on Susquehanna or Franklin & Marshall at homecoming.
Autor: Frank DefordBest , Woman , Football , Homecoming
I feel like what we've done in 'Homecoming' is really scratching the surface with Spider-Man.
Autor: Jon WattsFeel , Done , I Feel Like , Homecoming
I love going to football games and going to homecoming dances and just doing normal things.
Autor: Madison PettisLove , Doing , Football , Homecoming
I was homecoming queen. I was star of my basketball team.
Autor: Marla MaplesQueen , Team , Basketball , Homecoming
I guess I was one of the popular kids. I played soccer, I was class president - I even dated the homecoming queen.
Autor: Matthew MorrisonQueen , Class , Soccer , Homecoming
Before we started shooting 'Homecoming,' we were in the writer's room for 'Mr. Robot.' I was also editing Season 3 of 'Mr. Robot' while I was prepping for the 'Homecoming' shoot. So yeah, it's a lot of hats.
Autor: Sam EsmailShooting , Editing , Room , Homecoming