Frases sobre ''Hills''
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I definitely feel much more comfortable in front of the cameras after 'The Hills.' Before, it was much more nerve-racking.
Autor: Audrina PatridgeMore , Feel , Comfortable , Hills
At eighteen our convictions are hills from which we look; at forty-five they are caves in which we hide.
Autor: F. Scott FitzgeraldLook , Hide , Hills , Convictions
Youngsters should go to the hills and the seaside once in a while.
Autor: Jackie ShroffGo , Should , Once , Hills
On 'Beverly Hills 90210,' I was very young and very nervous.
Autor: Keiko AgenaYoung , Nervous , Hills , Beverly Hills
Life is a roller coaster. There are ups; there are downs. There are hills; there are valleys, peaks, and so on.
Autor: Martin LandauLife , Roller Coaster , Life Is A , Hills
Imitation is flattery, and The Hills Have Eyes is a classic.
Autor: Michael BerrymanEyes , Classic , Flattery , Hills
The Beverly Hills Hotel in Los Angeles is the best.
Autor: Brigitte NielsenBest , Los Angeles , Hotel , Hills
In my boyhood, cattle-raising ran almost neck and neck with grain-raising. In my secluded little valley in the Suisun Hills, the rodeo was the most exhilarating spectacle in the round year.
Autor: Edwin MarkhamYear , Valley , Hills , Neck