Frases sobre ''Headache''
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Arguments about Scripture achieve nothing but a stomachache and a headache.
Autor: TertullianAbout , Nothing , Achieve , Headache
I'm in this business to make films, not get deluded by the system. The system is set up to give you a headache.
Autor: George Tillman, Jr.You , Up , Business , Headache
Public appearances are a headache. I hold mine down to a minimum.
Autor: Jack NicklausMine , Down , Hold , Headache
I'm kind of like Britney Spears having a headache. Everybody wants to know about it.
Autor: Joe WurzelbacherKnow , About , Like , Headache
There is so much headache and hassle involved in starting a business or running a business.
Autor: Parker ConradBusiness , Starting , Running , Headache
Big studio comedies are such a headache.
Autor: Penelope SpheerisBig , Studio , Comedies , Headache
I think I'm incredibly stoic. If I have a bad headache, it takes a while before I reach for a tablet.
Autor: Robert RinderThink , Bad , Reach , Headache
They would glue the wig to the front of my forehead, and after a while it would give me a headache.
Autor: Cesar RomeroMe , Give , Forehead , Headache
Even a casual reader of the financial pages knows that microcaps are a perennial headache for regulators and, above all, for investors because they have been prone to abuse by stock manipulators.
Autor: Gary WeissFinancial , Abuse , Casual , Headache
I've taken Midol before. My daughters find that hilarious. I had a headache and cramps, and there were no other pain relievers with caffeine in the house.
Autor: Bob SagetFind , House , Pain , Headache