Frases sobre ''Hats''

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I made hats until I went into the Army. I was drafted during the Korean War.

Autor: Bill Cunningham
  War , Army , Made , Hats

I am mad about hats. I collect them as souvenirs from my globe trotting.

Autor: Gillian Zinser
  About , I Am , Mad , Hats

I have a collection of 50-plus snapback hats.

Autor: James Harden
  Collection , Hats

I collect hats. That's what you do when you're bald.

Autor: James Taylor
  You , Collect , Bald , Hats

I love hats. I've always loved hats.

Autor: Jefferson Mays
  Love , Always , Loved , Hats

No, I never did hats. I didn't - never felt they were so becoming to me.

Autor: Lee Radziwill
  Me , Never , Were , Hats

I collect many hats, but I do like Bailey's Hats, and I order them online.

Autor: Little Louie Vega
  Like , Order , Online , Hats

My wardrobe is really colorful, and since hats are my favorite accessory, I have a big collection of them.

Autor: Sasha Pivovarova
  Big , Favorite , Colorful , Hats

I love scarves and hats and coats. I love it.

Autor: Shura
  Love , I Love , Coats , Hats

Among the southern tribes, on the contrary, hats were sometimes worn in the dance, although this was not considered in strict accordance with the doctrine.

Autor: James Mooney
  Sometimes , Dance , Strict , Hats

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