Frases sobre ''Harmony''
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There is tolerance within our community, Muslims and Christians living together in harmony. These traditional values we have should be enhanced.
Autor: Hailemariam DesalegnCommunity , Harmony , Together , Tolerance
Beethoven's importance in music has been principally defined by the revolutionary nature of his compositions. He freed music from hitherto prevailing conventions of harmony and structure.
Autor: Daniel BarenboimMusic , Nature , Harmony , Structure
Harmony is when the sum is greater than the parts. A happy exaggeration.
Autor: Jane SiberryHappy , Than , Harmony , Greater
If you listen to The Browns, it's a very pretty sound. It was sibling harmony, a sound that was very pleasing. I've never heard anybody that could come close to that particular sound. It couldn't be imitated.
Autor: Jim Ed BrownYou , Never , Harmony , Listen
Harmony is pure love, for love is complete agreement.
Autor: Lope de VegaLove , Harmony , Love Is , Pure
Music is basically melody, harmony, and rhythm. But people can do much more with music than that. It can be very descriptive in all kinds of ways, all walks of life.
Autor: Charlie ParkerLife , Music , People , Harmony
There is a harmony in autumn, and a luster in its sky, which through the summer is not heard or seen, as if it could not be, as if it had not been!
Autor: Percy Bysshe ShelleySky , Harmony , Summer , Autumn
In western classical music with an orchestra, you focus the orchestra on melodies and harmony. In African music, the biggest focus is on rhythms and counter-rhythms - the complexity of rhythms.
Autor: Ludwig GoranssonMusic , You , Focus , Harmony
Medicine to produce health must examine disease; and music, to create harmony must investigate discord.
Autor: PlutarchMusic , Harmony , Health , Medicine
Filtering can be a very good thing when it comes to human relationships and familial harmony. Yeah, filtering is often an absolute necessity.
Autor: Lynn CoadyGood , Human , Harmony , Relationships