Frases sobre ''Guard''

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Before the combine, there were a lot of questions about whether I could guard multiple positions.

Autor: Donte DiVincenzo
  About , Questions , Were , Guard

I wasn't a point guard. I was a killer.

Autor: Allen Iverson
  Point , Killer , Guard , Point Guard

I didn't see myself as any advance guard, or feminist.

Autor: Ida Lupino
  Myself , See , Any , Guard

Without the Guard and Reserve, our active duty troops could hardly deploy.

Autor: John Spratt
  Active , Without , Duty , Guard

Since the Pentagon underestimated the number of troops required after the end of hostilities, we were not prepared to prevent looting or to guard hundreds of weapons dumps spread throughout the country.

Autor: John Spratt
  End , Country , Spread , Guard

Modesty is not only an ornament, but also a guard to virtue.

Autor: Joseph Addison
  Only , Virtue , Modesty , Guard

I'm always on my guard now.

Autor: Kevin Pietersen
  Always , Now , Guard

I couldn't bloody believe a prime-time TV show would have an Iraqi ex-Republican Guard torturer as a main character.

Autor: Naveen Andrews
  Character , Believe , Show , Guard

Special ops isn't the answer to everything. Special ops is not the main guard.

Autor: Ryan Zinke
  Everything , Special , Answer , Guard

I want to recognize and thank all Guard members for their service. It means so much to our state and our country.

Autor: Matt Mead
  Want , Country , Service , Guard

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