Frases sobre ''Grounded''

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Animals are completely grounded in their root chakra.

Autor: Annaleigh Ashford
  Animals , Grounded , Root

My mom keeps me grounded and all that. She makes me do chores.

Autor: Auli'i Cravalho
  Me , Mom , She , Grounded

I'm a lot more grounded now, a lot more settled in my skin.

Autor: Clea Duvall
  More , Skin , Now , Grounded

My parents kept me very grounded.

Autor: Danielle de Niese
  Me , Parents , Very , Grounded

I'm quite grounded.

Autor: Enrique Iglesias
  Quite , Grounded

I've come from a grounded family and had a good upbringing.

Autor: Harry Maguire
  Family , Good , Come , Grounded

I have no predilection for unpopularity as such, but I hold it much preferable to the popularity of a day, which perishes with the transient topic upon which it is grounded.

Autor: John Quincy Adams
  Day , Hold , Popularity , Grounded

Home is like my detox: it's what keeps me grounded.

Autor: Mj Rodriguez
  Me , Home , Like , Grounded

American exceptionalism is grounded in the founding of the United States upon an idea, rather than upon the ambitions of men.

Autor: Monica Crowley
  American , Men , United States , Grounded

I'm grounded in who I am.

Autor: Yvonne Orji
  Who , I Am , Am , Grounded

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