Frases sobre ''Grit''
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Being a top performer - whether it's in business or on the athletic field - requires grit and tenacity, as well as the continuous desire to become better.
Autor: Amy MorinBetter , Desire , Business , Grit
We made 'Wretched and Divine,' and as much as I love it, it's a pretty sparkly record - it's a record that could be done as a play because it's very theatrical with no grit.
Autor: Andy BiersackLove , Done , Play , Grit
The way that I've been raised and the things I've had to do has given me grit that is unmatchable unless you were beside me.
Autor: Lacey EvansYou , Me , Way , Grit
Grit can't be measured on pop quizzes, but it can often predict long-term success more than mere intelligence.
Autor: Laura MoserMore , Success , Intelligence , Grit
In Wyoming, the beauty of our mountains is matched only by the grit of our people.
Autor: Liz CheneyPeople , Mountains , Beauty , Grit
As important as hustle is, grit and resilience are equally as important because there's a lot of rejection in our business.
Autor: Troy CarterImportant , Business , Rejection , Grit
Documentaries require an enormous amount of grit and empathy - and that is something women are incredibly strong at.
Autor: Elizabeth Chai VasarhelyiWomen , Strong , Empathy , Grit
Some people, you have to grit your teeth in order to stay in the same room as them, but you get on and ask the questions you assume most of the people watching want to ask.
Autor: Morley SaferYou , People , Some People , Grit
Heroes are never perfect, but they're brave, they're authentic, they're courageous, determined, discreet, and they've got grit.
Autor: Wade DavisNever , Perfect , Brave , Grit