Frases sobre ''Green''
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The lovely daisy, so justly celebrated by European poets, is not a native of our soil; we know it well, however, by cultivation in our gardens and green houses; besides, we are disposed to remember it for the sake of those who have sung its praises in immortal verse.
Autor: Dorothea DixKnow , Remember , Green , Lovely
The game itself, I think, plays into the strength of my game, which has always been tee to green, hitting the ball consistently in play and managing my game. Putting has always been the one thing that's been a bit more erratic.
Autor: Tom LehmanThink , Game , Strength , Green
Green tea throughout the day is the healthiest thing I've discovered for me.
Autor: Jessica ChastainMe , Day , Green , Tea
I remember myself, age five, sitting on a porch overlooking a very muddy road. The day was rainy. I was wearing rubber boots, yellow - no, not yellow, green - and for all I know, I'm still there.
Autor: Joseph BrodskyMyself , Day , Age , Green
'The White Woman on the Green Bicycle' is a love story mapped onto an unfolding political tragedy: that of the failure of the Independence era in Trinidad.
Autor: Monique RoffeyLove , Woman , Green , Failure
I'm going to buy some green bananas because by the time I get home they'll be ripe.
Autor: Ryan StilesTime , Home , Some , Green
I was fired from my first job in New York. I was just out of school, doing the Welsh play, 'The Corn Is Green,' at Equity Library Theater. I was studying with Uta Hagen, and I was really working well, but they got nervous. They wanted results right away. We had a run-through, and I wasn't there yet, so they fired me.
Autor: Barbara BarrieMe , School , Green , Library
I'm practical, very data-driven, and process-oriented. If I look at a radar and see a giant green blob coming toward me, I'm thinking it's probably going to snow.
Autor: Kevin JorgesonMe , Look , Thinking , Green
When I was eight, nine years of age, my mother bought me a pair of green trousers - corduroy green trousers. I didn't like green, and I basically buried them underground. And my mother kept asking me, 'Where are your trousers?' I said, 'Oh, I don't know.' And from then on I stopped wearing green.
Autor: Brunello CucinelliMe , Age , Green , Mother
The greenness of Ireland is a false greenness, after all. Not that it isn't green - the place can still make you have to pull off and swallow one of your heart pills. It's that the greenness doesn't mean what it seems. It doesn't encode a pastoral past, much less a timeless vale where wee folk trip the demesne.
Autor: John Jeremiah SullivanYou , Heart , Past , Green