Frases sobre ''Greece''

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Iran also has an extensive missile development programme. Iranian officials declare that the range of their modified Shahab-3 missiles is 2,000km, putting allied countries such as Turkey, Greece, Romania, and Bulgaria within reach.

Autor: Anders Fogh Rasmussen
  Development , Within , Reach , Greece

Without Greece, it is not possible to preserve the integrity of the European phenomenon.

Autor: Evangelos Venizelos
  Without , Integrity , Possible , Greece

Britain is less European-minded than Greece.

Autor: Helmut Schmidt
  Than , Less , Greece , Britain

Greece is the most magical place on Earth.

Autor: Kylie Bax
  Place , Earth , Greece , Magical

I lived in Greece. I had a lot of party experience there.

Autor: Sarah Wright
  Experience , Party , Lived , Greece

I like organised things. I don't like the corruption and slowness of Greece.

Autor: Stelios Haji-Ioannou
  Like , Corruption , Things , Greece

We cannot allow the bankruptcy of a euro member state like Greece to turn into a second Lehman Brothers.

Autor: Wolfgang Schauble
  Like , Cannot , Turn , Greece

Romanians are culturally European, very close to the French. Socially, they are now building a society that is emotionally closer to the Balkans, Turkey and Greece.

Autor: Andrei Codrescu
  Society , Now , Building , Greece

I had the privilege of living in Greece in the early 1970s.

Autor: Charles Dallara
  Living , Early , Privilege , Greece

Greece is not an easy country to do business in.

Autor: Ali Babacan
  Business , Easy , Country , Greece

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