Frases sobre ''Gravity''

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Gravity is a contributing factor in nearly 73 percent of all accidents involving falling objects.

Autor: Dave Barry
  Percent , Falling , Gravity , Accidents

We went through this business of me writing out all the parts for these old songs from Gravity and Speechless and we'd been performing that, but we don't do that any more.

Autor: Fred Frith
  Me , Writing , Business , Gravity

I can't even touch another conductor's baton. The center of gravity, the feel of the handle, puts me totally off.

Autor: Jeffrey Tate
  Me , Feel , Touch , Gravity

Dwarves are very much of the earth and feel connected to the earth; considering gravity, their weight is low, but they're not small.

Autor: Peter Hambleton
  Feel , Earth , Small , Gravity

Strings of gravity vibrate at a different frequency than strings of light.

Autor: Roy H. Williams
  Light , Different , Gravity , Strings

There is still some gravity where we are and even as far out as our moon. That is why our moon stays in orbit around the Earth. We don't feel the gravity up here because it is so much smaller than the force we feel when we are on the Earth.

Autor: Sunita Williams
  Feel , Earth , Moon , Gravity

We can lick gravity, but sometimes the paperwork is overwhelming.

Autor: Wernher Von Braun
  Sometimes , Science , Gravity , Lick

At one-sixth gravity in that suit, you have to move in a different way.

Autor: Alan Bean
  You , Way , Suit , Gravity

When I did my first film, I was in college; I did it as a senior thesis. The original version was 60 minutes. But I developed it and made it almost 90 minutes. In 2007, it premiered in Venice, and I stopped in London to develop a script with my dad that fell apart, and we started 'Gravity.'

Autor: Jonás Cuarón
  College , Dad , Gravity , Venice

The laws in this city are clearly racist. All laws are racist. The law of gravity is racist.

Autor: Marion Barry
  City , Laws , Law , Gravity

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