Frases sobre ''Grammar''
Aviso: Recollemos miles de frases de diferentes recursos públicos. Non somos responsables de ningún contido ou información incorrecta ou pouco precisa relacionada coas frases que recollemos na nosa web. Frases famosas, refráns, frases curtas, frases de pequenos. Frases de amizade, amor, cine, familia, humor, motivaciónreflexión, superación, vida e moito máis. O noso único obxectivo é ofrecerche estas frases como inspiración para que poidas facer dedicatorias únicas, expresar os teus pensamentos e emocións ou compartir nas túas redes sociais. Disfruta do noso contido.
Henceforth, language studies were no longer directed merely towards correcting grammar.
Autor: Ferdinand de SaussureLanguage , Were , Grammar , Longer
Greek was very much a live language, and a language still unconscious of grammar, not, like ours, dominated by definitions and trained upon dictionaries.
Autor: Gilbert MurrayLike , Live , Language , Grammar
I went to the local schools, the local state primary school, and then to the local grammar school. A secondary school, which technically was an independent school, it was not part of the state educational system.
Autor: John HumeSchool , System , Grammar , Independent
Anarchy is as detestable in grammar as it is in society.
Autor: Maurice DruonSociety , Grammar , Anarchy , Detestable
I write in the most distressingly slow way in terms of punctuation and grammar.
Autor: Maurice SaatchiWay , Write , Grammar , Slow
His eyes so dim, so wasted each limb, that, heedless of grammar, they all cried, that's him!
Autor: Richard Harris BarhamHim , Eyes , Grammar , Wasted
In seventh and eighth grade, grammar and vocabulary were not my favorite subjects.
Autor: Aaron LazarVocabulary , Grammar , Favorite , Subjects
I really like grammar. And spelling. I was a spelling-bee kid. I'm hard-core about grammar.
Autor: Emma StoneAbout , Like , Grammar , Kid