Frases sobre ''Gothic''
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Edinburgh is a sort of gothic fairytale city, and it can be a gothic horror city as well.
Autor: David MacKenzieWell , Horror , City , Gothic
I like to spoof the original Gothic classics, so there is also good dose of comedy in the 'Parasol Protectorate' - giggling readers are good.
Autor: Gail CarrigerLike , Good , Comedy , Gothic
What I've absorbed of the gothic or paranormal has come mainly from films.
Autor: Glen DuncanCome , Films , Gothic , Paranormal
Before that I wanted to be a magazine illustrator - I probably would have painted Gothic scenes.
Autor: Ira LevinBefore , Illustrator , Magazine , Gothic
Most buildings, whether they're Gothic cathedrals or Romanesque ones, were high tech for their time.
Autor: Richard RogersTime , High , Buildings , Gothic
All the great works of art, the cathedrals - the Gothic cathedrals and the splendid Baroque churches - are a luminous sign of God, and thus are truly a manifestation, an epiphany of God.
Autor: Pope Benedict XVIGreat , Art , God , Gothic
I am drawn to Americana, and I am drawn to gothic stories, and I love American gothic stories.
Autor: Roberto Aguirre-SacasaLove , I Am , American , Gothic
Shirley Jackson's writings are a must for aficionados of the gothic and of good literature.
Autor: Carlos Ruiz ZafonGood , Literature , Must , Gothic
I love the description of Gothic churches before the printed word, that they were the bibles of the poor.
Autor: John McGahernLove , Poor , Description , Gothic
Un amigo preguntoume por que non construímos agora catedrais como as famosas góticas, e eu díxenlle: "Os homes daqueles tempos tiñan conviccións; os modernos non temos máis que opinións, e para levantar unha catedral gótica fai falta algo máis que só. unha opinión"
Autor: Heinrich HeineCatedral , Construir , Conviccións , Opinións