Frases sobre ''Good Day''

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You have to remember that the hard days are what make you stronger. The bad days make you realize what a good day is. If you never had any bad days, you would never have that sense of accomplishment!

Autor: Aly Raisman
  You , Day , Good , Good Day

Comedy comes out of everyone's worst day. No one writes a sitcom episode about everyone having a good day. It's always about someone being locked out of their house or someone being dumped or whatever.

Autor: Jim Jefferies
  Day , Good , Someone , Good Day

The fulfillment I get from a good day of writing is addictive and will always bring me back the next day.

Autor: Michael Connelly
  Me , Day , Good , Good Day

I attended an extremely small liberal arts school. There were approximately 1,600 of us roaming our New England campus on a good day. My high school was bigger. My freshman year hourly calorie intake was bigger.

Autor: Sloane Crosley
  Day , Good , School , Good Day

I devised the Bert Lance Toe Test then - you go out on the front porch of the house, turn 'The Washington Post' over with your big toe, and if your name's above the fold, you know you're not going to have a good day.

Autor: Bert Lance
  You , Day , Good , Good Day

When I pick up the ball and it feels nice and light and small I know I'm going to have a good day. But if I picked it up and it's big and heavy, I know I'm liable to get into a little trouble.

Autor: Bob Feller
  Day , Good , Light , Good Day

Usually I start with a beat, I start making a beat, and my producer side is making the beat. And on a good day, my rapper side will jump in and start the writing process - maybe come up with a hook or start a verse. Sometimes it just happens like that. A song like 'Lights Please' happens like that.

Autor: J. Cole
  Song , Day , Good , Good Day

On a good day, when you have a clear plan, you are able to execute whatever you wanted.

Autor: Jasprit Bumrah
  You , Day , Good , Good Day

This is Staples. On a good day, we get to stay at the Marriott Courtyard. We have a frugal culture.

Autor: Shira Goodman
  Day , Good , Culture , Good Day

If he's having a good day and running the right race, nobody can beat Frank Shorter at 10,000 meters... nobody except me.

Autor: Steve Prefontaine
  Me , Day , Good , Good Day

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