Frases sobre ''Global Warming''
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In the wake of the disaster caused by Tropical Storm Sandy, various allies of the Obama campaign have rushed to claim that the event was caused by anthropogenic global warming, thereby justifying the president's program of crushing the economy with regressive carbon taxes, a supposedly necessary measure to prevent future bad weather.
Autor: Robert ZubrinFuture , Weather , Storm , Global Warming
We're very interested in seeing what science Exxon has been using for its own purposes because they're tremendously active in offshore oil drilling in the Arctic, for example, where global warming is happening at a much more rapid rate than in more temperate zones.
Autor: Eric SchneidermanScience , Own , Seeing , Global Warming
Global warming is real. It is happening today. It is being charted by our satellites. It is being charted by our scientists. It is being charted by those of us in this body, and I think the real key is if we are ready to admit that fact and take the action to make the necessary conversion.
Autor: Dianne FeinsteinThink , Today , Body , Global Warming
Today, we can see with our own eyes what global warming is doing. In that context it becomes truly irresponsible, if not immoral, for us not to do something.
Autor: Joe LiebermanSee , Today , Eyes , Global Warming
Balancing our energy portfolio is a real chance to reduce energy bills, revitalize rural America, slow global warming and strengthen our energy security.
Autor: Tom UdallEnergy , America , Chance , Global Warming
Global warming is real - it is man-made and it is an important problem. But it is not the end of the world.
Autor: Bjorn LomborgWorld , End , Problem , Global Warming
Think on a 50-year scale, which is a much more natural time-scale for global warming. The US is right now spending about 200 million dollars annually on research into renewable energy.
Autor: Bjorn LomborgEnergy , Think , Research , Global Warming
Now, when we face a problem like global warming, and you understand that the biggest impacts on global warming come from business and industry, I think business needs to take a leading role.
Autor: Jerry GreenfieldYou , Business , Face , Global Warming
Global warming would increase the rate of evaporation from the oceans. This would increase rainfall worldwide. In addition, global warming would lengthen the growing season, thereby increasing still further the bounty of both agriculture and nature.
Autor: Robert ZubrinNature , Global Warming , Agriculture
The attacks on global warming are no different than the attacks the cigarettes companies used to use to say that cigarettes don't cause cancer.
Autor: Leonard MlodinowSay , Global Warming , Cancer , Cigarettes