Frases sobre ''Gifted''

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I'm not particularly gifted; I'm not genetically freakish in any sense; I'm absolutely average.

Autor: Ben Saunders
  Sense , Average , Genetically , Gifted

Liu Fang is a truly gifted, world-famous player of the pipa and the guzheng, classical Chinese stringed instruments.

Autor: Guy Gavriel Kay
  Player , Chinese , Truly , Gifted

Gifted women musicians and composers rarely received their due.

Autor: James Cook
  Women , Musicians , Composers , Gifted

I'm a really gifted physical comedienne. I write and produce a lot of sketch comedy.

Autor: Jenn Lyon
  Write , Comedy , Sketch , Gifted

You're gifted to do something.

Autor: Karen Kingsbury
  You , Something , Gifted

I'm not gifted, but I'm not hopeless.

Autor: Norman Spinrad
  Hopeless , Gifted

I'm an actor. That's what I'm gifted at. It's what makes me breathe.

Autor: Samantha Morton
  Me , Actor , Breathe , Gifted

I know very little about acting. I'm just an incredibly gifted faker.

Autor: Robert Downey, Jr.
  Know , Just , Acting , Gifted

Martin Sheen was extraordinary. He's a very gifted man.

Autor: Terrence Malick
  He , Man , Extraordinary , Gifted

The more gifted and talkative one's characters are, the greater the chances of their resembling the author in tone or tint of mind.

Autor: Vladimir Nabokov
  More , Mind , Talkative , Gifted

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