Frases sobre ''Getting Married''
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I like getting married, but I don't like being married.
Autor: Don AdamsBeing , Like , Marriage , Getting Married
I have been very clear to everybody that just because I'm getting married does not mean I call myself a straight.
Autor: Anne HecheMyself , Just Because , Getting Married
Well, when I moved to England I was making a lot of personal adjustments because I was getting married and starting a family, that sort of thing.
Autor: Elizabeth McGovernFamily , Well , Personal , Getting Married
I'm obsessed with getting married, but I don't even have a boyfriend.
Autor: Marlen EsparzaGetting , Boyfriend , Getting Married
Instead of getting married again, I'm going to find a woman I don't like and just give her a house.
Autor: Rod StewartFind , House , Woman , Getting Married
I didn't plan on being a comedian. I didn't plan on getting married and I didn't plan on having kids, but I did all those things.
Autor: Rodney CarringtonBeing , Things , Plan , Getting Married
I keep saying this: that I'll get married when I am ready to have a kid. I won't have a kid without getting married for sure.
Autor: Taapsee PannuI Am , Saying , Ready , Getting Married
I feel like I'm the kind of guy that would have kids before getting married. The first thing would be kids.
Autor: The WeekndFeel , Like , I Feel Like , Getting Married
I am a typical Italian; I love the clan. But I don't think about getting married.
Autor: Gianni VersaceLove , Think , I Am , Getting Married
To be perfectly honest, I can't imagine getting married. I've got a lot to do before I have children - they are way off.
Autor: Sophie HunterChildren , Way , Honest , Getting Married