Frases sobre ''Genes''

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The identification of the genes which determine biological phenomena and the study of the control they exert on these phenomena has proven to be the most successful approach to a detailed understanding of the mechanism of biological processes.

Autor: Baruj Benacerraf
  Understanding , Study , Control , Genes

There may be an evolutionary advantage for schizophrenia genes during famine.

Autor: Feng Zhang
  May , Genes , Advantage , Schizophrenia

I'm lucky. I've got pretty good genes.

Autor: Kate Walsh
  Pretty , Good , Lucky , Genes

Genes are natural resources.

Autor: Leroy Hood
  Natural , Genes , Natural Resources

Animals have genes for altruism, and those genes have been selected in the evolution of many creatures because of the advantage they confer for the continuing survival of the species.

Autor: Lewis Thomas
  Animals , Survival , Genes , Evolution

In the last century, as we learned more about genes, we were able to devise ways of accelerating evolution.

Autor: Nina Fedoroff
  More , Last , Genes , Evolution

We are fashioned not by our genes, but by our environment - by the family and socio-historic conditions in which we evolve.

Autor: Michel Onfray
  Family , Environment , Genes , Evolve

Mutations can arise anywhere in the genome, in gene DNA and noncoding DNA alike. But mutations to genes have bigger consequences: They can disable proteins and kill a creature.

Autor: Sam Kean
  DNA , Genes , Consequences , Alike

I would love to have children, yes. Maybe even adopt them. I'm not sure that I should pass on my genes.

Autor: Linda Fiorentino
  Love , Children , Yes , Genes

Though women are no longer barred from university laboratories and scientific societies, the idea that they are innately less suited to mathematical science is deeply ingrained in our cultural genes.

Autor: Margaret Wertheim
  Science , Women , University , Genes

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