Frases sobre ''Gap''
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It can be a long gap between the emergence of fully researched historical biographies.
Autor: Antonia FraserLong , Between , Historical , Gap
There is not that much of a generation gap these days.
Autor: Chris FrantzGeneration , Much , Days , Gap
When I was a teenager, I worked at the Gap for a summer folding shirts. That was pretty mindless and soul-sucking.
Autor: Constance WuPretty , Summer , Gap , Mindless
Eventually, most people felt MoMA had filled a very important gap.
Autor: David RockefellerPeople , Important , Very , Gap
Illusion is an anodyne, bred by the gap between wish and reality.
Autor: Herman WoukReality , Wish , Gap , Illusion
What separates developing countries from developed countries is as much a gap in knowledge as a gap in resources.
Autor: Joseph StiglitzKnowledge , Much , Gap , Resources
There is a huge gap between what students want for their future and what their schools are offering.
Autor: Laurene Powell JobsWant , Future , Students , Gap
When I was younger, there was a huge gap between what I wanted to do and what I could do as an idol.
Autor: Namie AmuroWanted , Idol , Gap , Younger
For every credibility gap there is a gullibility gap.
Autor: Richard CobdenEvery , Gap , Credibility
No one has bridged that gap between music and technology yet.
Autor: Troy CarterMusic , Between , Technology , Gap