Frases sobre ''Funeral''
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I used to sing at funeral homes for families that didn't have a vocalist. I didn't get paid. I needed to sing.
Autor: Anita BakerGet , Sing , Used , Funeral
A funeral eulogy is a belated plea for the defense delivered after the evidence is all in.
Autor: Irvin S. CobbEvidence , Defense , After , Funeral
During my grandma's funeral, I looked over once and saw my mom crying, and I felt so bad for her.
Autor: Kendra WilkinsonMom , Bad , Her , Funeral
An obituary should be an exercise in contemporary history, not a funeral oration.
Autor: Peter UtleyHistory , Should , Exercise , Funeral
Don't go to the funeral until the day of the funeral. Live this day.
Autor: Valerie HarperDay , Live , Go , Funeral
I grew up in a funeral home. Both my parents were morticians.
Autor: Tamara TunieUp , Home , Parents , Funeral
I got asked by a freelance journalist to jump in front of Princess Diana's funeral. How pathetic is that? That would have been the stupidest thing on the planet.
Autor: Mark RobertsHow , Jump , Princess , Funeral
The reason so many people turned up at his funeral is that they wanted to make sure he was dead.
Autor: Samuel GoldwynPeople , Dead , Reason , Funeral
A man is known by his works. That I have heard at many a funeral.
Autor: Winslow HomerMan , Many , His , Funeral