Frases sobre ''Fountain''

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I have to write a first draft with a fountain pen before I type it up as a second.

Autor: Colm Toibin
  Up , First , Pen , Fountain

Right after I did 'The Fountain,' I wanted to go make a documentary or something that was less constructed - more natural. I was searching for a project, and sniffing around, 'The Wrestler' fit right in.

Autor: Darren Aronofsky
  More , Something , Go , Fountain

I discovered something amazing, which has caused a lot of controversy - the fountain of youth. I have to keep it a secret!

Autor: David Copperfield
  Something , Amazing , Youth , Fountain

Nature is the fountain's head, the source from whence all originality must spring.

Autor: John Constable
  Nature , Head , Spring , Fountain

Parents wonder why the streams are bitter, when they themselves have poisoned the fountain.

Autor: John Locke
  Why , Parents , Wonder , Fountain

In the midst of the fountain of wit there arises something bitter, which stings in the very flowers.

Autor: Lucretius
  Something , Flowers , Bitter , Fountain

The instinct to improve oneself materially is necessary for growth. It is at the fountain of the enterprising spirit which drives private enterprise.

Autor: Said Musa
  Spirit , Growth , Improve , Fountain

I'm a fountain of blood. In the shape of a girl.

Autor: Bjork
  Blood , Girl , Shape , Fountain

The Temple of Diana is in the vicinity of the fountain, which has given rise to the conjecture that it originally constituted a portion of the ancient baths.

Autor: Marguerite Gardiner
  Rise , Temple , Ancient , Fountain

I'm a writer; as soon as I imagine what would happen if I found the fountain of youth, it turns into a dystopia in my head.

Autor: Marie Brennan
  Head , Youth , Happen , Fountain

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