Frases sobre ''Fortunate''

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I feel very fortunate, always.

Autor: Dominic Cooper
  Always , Feel , I Feel , Fortunate

We were very fortunate to have been on the scene when we were.

Autor: Cynthia Weil
  Been , Very , Scene , Fortunate

I feel that I've been very fortunate in the films that I have gotten and that I've chosen to do.

Autor: Heather Matarazzo
  Feel , I Feel , Very , Fortunate

I never forget that I'm extremely fortunate.

Autor: James Nesbitt
  Never , Never Forget , Forget , Fortunate

We are fortunate to attract an energy executive as strong as Banmali Agrawala.

Autor: John L. Flannery
  Energy , Strong , Attract , Fortunate

At my shows, I've been fortunate to see every walk of life.

Autor: Maren Morris
  Life , See , Walk , Fortunate

I'm so fortunate, it's ridiculous.

Autor: Norman Reedus
  Ridiculous , Fortunate

I'm fortunate to have blue eyes!

Autor: Nyle DiMarco
  Eyes , Blue , Fortunate , Blue Eyes

I have been very fortunate, so much is expected of me.

Autor: Michael Hintze
  Me , Been , Very , Fortunate

I've been very fortunate and I am grateful.

Autor: Scott Baio
  I Am , Grateful , Very , Fortunate

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