Frases sobre ''Forgetting''
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I took revenge on hardship from my earlier life by forgetting it.
Autor: Alija IzetbegovicLife , Revenge , Hardship , Forgetting
The process of learning requires not only hearing and applying but also forgetting and then remembering again.
Autor: John GrayOnly , Process , Learning , Forgetting
We'd have made more, but I kept forgetting to write songs down.
Autor: Chris LoweMore , Down , Write , Forgetting
When something is universal enough in our everyday lives, we take it for granted to the point of forgetting it exists.
Autor: Eliezer YudkowskySomething , Enough , Take , Forgetting
I think I'm really good at forgetting about golf when I'm off the golf course.
Autor: Inbee ParkGolf , Think , Good , Forgetting
Forgetting the importance of national landscapes, cultures, national behaviours, reactions, and reflexes is a big, big mistake.
Autor: Jean-Claude JunckerMistake , Big , Importance , Forgetting
Our sense of worth, of well-being, even our sanity depends upon our remembering. But, alas, our sense of worth, our well-being, our sanity also depend upon our forgetting.
Autor: Joyce ApplebyDepend , Worth , Forgetting , Well-Being
I'm good at forgetting auditions, and then there is a surprise to getting something.
Autor: Morfydd ClarkSomething , Good , Surprise , Forgetting
Every institution is perfectly capable of forgetting what it has learned in three years.
Autor: Ron WilliamsThree , Years , Capable , Forgetting
Mourning is not forgetting... It is an undoing. Every minute tie has to be untied and something permanent and valuable recovered and assimilated from the dust.
Autor: Margery AllinghamSomething , Dust , Permanent , Forgetting