Frases sobre ''Flowers''
Aviso: Recollemos miles de frases de diferentes recursos públicos. Non somos responsables de ningún contido ou información incorrecta ou pouco precisa relacionada coas frases que recollemos na nosa web. Frases famosas, refráns, frases curtas, frases de pequenos. Frases de amizade, amor, cine, familia, humor, motivaciónreflexión, superación, vida e moito máis. O noso único obxectivo é ofrecerche estas frases como inspiración para que poidas facer dedicatorias únicas, expresar os teus pensamentos e emocións ou compartir nas túas redes sociais. Disfruta do noso contido.
People from a planet without flowers would think we must be mad with joy the whole time to have such things about us.
Autor: Iris MurdochPeople , Time , Nature , Flowers
I have never lied about my relationship with Bill Clinton. The only proven liar, at this point, and the only admitted liar, is Bill Clinton; not Gennifer Flowers, not Kathleen Willey, not Paula Jones and not Monica Lewinsky, at this point. He is the only proven liar.
Autor: Gennifer FlowersNever , Liar , Relationship , Flowers
I've named a couple things after Edgar Allan Poe: the cat, and my garden upstate, where I only planted black flowers and purple flowers - and there's a raven statue.
Autor: Hilarie BurtonBlack , Garden , Flowers , Purple
The cherry blossom tree is truly a sight to behold, especially when it is in full riotous bloom. There are several varieties of the cherry blossom tree, and while most of them produce flowering branches full of small pinkish-hued flowers, some of them produce actual cherries.
Autor: Homaro CantuTree , Small , Flowers , Blossom
When I listen to music, I don't want to hear about flowers. I like death and destruction.
Autor: Jonathan DavisMusic , Want , Death , Flowers
We concentrate so much on anniversaries and birthdays that you forget it's the Tuesday that's tough that really counts. Sometimes she just needs some flowers or even just that ear. It's the little things that count. It's the regular days of the year that you have to keep your attention on her.
Autor: BJ the Chicago KidYou , Sometimes , Little Things , Flowers
The author O. Henry taught me about the value of the unexpected. He once wrote about the noise of flowers and the smell of birds - the birds were chickens and the flowers dried sunflowers rattling against a wall.
Autor: Chuck JonesMe , Value , Unexpected , Flowers
'American Horror' goes for a very specific kind of Seventies suburban downer ambience - 'Flowers in the Attic' paperbacks, Black Sabbath album covers and late-night flicks like 'Let's Scare Jessica to Death.' It even has 'Go Ask Alice'-era urban legends.
Autor: Rob SheffieldBlack , Death , Legends , Flowers
Every Valentine's Day, I pretend I don't care. Like many of us, I say I don't want the flowers or chocolates or a homemade card. How cheesy. I pretend that it's over-the-top to want the person you like to make you a ridiculously nice dinner, or do some showy gesture, ala John Cusack with the boombox in 'Say Anything.'
Autor: Elizabeth FlockYou , Day , Dinner , Flowers