Frases sobre ''Florida''
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And the main thing was that I wanted to live in south Florida. That's why I left the Cowboys; to live in south Florida.
Autor: Jimmy JohnsonWhy , Live , Left , Florida
I'm have one of the most, if not the most, moderate voting records in Congress in the Florida delegation.
Autor: Joe GarciaMost , Voting , Congress , Florida
I'm from a part of Florida that is very close to Georgia in the panhandle area. I have a very colorful Southern family.
Autor: LaChanzeFamily , Florida , Colorful , Georgia
I grew up in a retirement community in Florida.
Autor: Megan BooneUp , Community , Retirement , Florida
Senator Martinez is not driven by polls; he is driven by the needs of the state of Florida and its 17 million constituents.
Autor: Mel MartinezHe , Needs , Florida , Polls
No access to me, nor my staff, will ever affect what we do to protect consumers of the state of Florida.
Autor: Pam BondiMe , Will , Protect , Florida
I turned my home state of Florida into the Land of Xanth.
Autor: Piers AnthonyHome , Land , State , Florida
Since the nineteen-fifties, rural Florida has marketed itself to Northerners and Midwesterners as an unexplored paradise of citrus and mermaids.
Autor: Anne HullParadise , Rural , Since , Florida , Unexplored
Florida doesn't need an immigration law.
Autor: Carlos Lopez-CanteraNeed , Law , Immigration , Florida