Frases sobre ''Flaw''

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I think my biggest flaw is my insecurity. I'm terribly insecure. I'm plagued with insecurities 24/7.

Autor: Madonna Ciccone
  Think , I Think , Insecurity , Flaw

The flaw of an amateur is to assume what's in our head is what's on the page.

Autor: David Morrell
  Head , Our , Page , Flaw

All creatures are flawed, but out of the flaw may come the universe.

Autor: Marguerite Young
  Come , Out , Universe , Flaw

You can relate to someone with a flaw.

Autor: Kevin Macdonald
  You , Someone , Relate , Flaw

The absence of flaw in beauty is itself a flaw.

Autor: Havelock Ellis
  Beauty , Itself , Absence , Flaw

The flaw in the statute is that in all its applications, it operates on a fundamentally mistaken premise that high solicitation costs are an accurate measure of fraud.

Autor: Harry A. Blackmun
  High , Measure , Fraud , Flaw

I regard gratitude as an asset and its absence a major interpersonal flaw.

Autor: Marshall Goldsmith
  Gratitude , Absence , Asset , Flaw

The human element, the human flaw and the human nobility - those are the reasons that chess matches are won or lost.

Autor: Viktor Korchnoi
  Lost , Human , Chess , Flaw

It's not a character flaw to become an adult.

Autor: Kenneth Lonergan
  Character , Become , Adult , Flaw

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