Frases sobre ''Fishing''

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Great Wass Island Preserve is a 1,579-acre Nature Conservancy jewel, a place of spectacular botanical interest, and Jonesport is situated on a postcard-pretty harbor. Tourism is not serious business in those parts - boat building and fishing are - and there are no signs telling how to get to Great Wass. But I know.

Autor: Sue Hubbell
  Great , Business , Nature , Fishing

My favorite memories growing up in North Carolina were hunting and fishing with my father and brothers. There, I developed a deep appreciation for protecting land and waterways. There, I learned outdoorsmanship.

Autor: Louis Bacon
  Father , Appreciation , Memories , Fishing

Fishing, with me, has always been an excuse to drink in the daytime.

Autor: Jimmy Cannon
  Me , Always , Drink , Fishing

I did commercial fishing in Alaska in college. I was the only girl on a fishing boat. It definitely tested so many aspects of my personality.

Autor: Lela Loren
  College , Girl , Personality , Fishing

My grandparents would take me out fishing in their boat once a week from when I was about two or three, growing up in in Texas and Louisiana. I loved it.

Autor: RJ Mitte
  Me , Loved , Boat , Fishing

I used to work out on an island called Martha's Vineyard. I ran a pizza oven, I caddied, I worked on a fishing boat, and life is very easy out there. It's a vacation lifestyle all the time.

Autor: Austin Stowell
  Life , Time , Work , Fishing

The shell fishing industry represents a major part of Louisiana's economy.

Autor: Bobby Jindal
  Economy , Industry , Fishing , Shell

Until I was twelve years old, I led this wandering life, fishing, swimming, and making moccasins.

Autor: Edmonia Lewis
  Life , Old , Swimming , Fishing

My friend Ed Begley goes fishing. It's a little smelly to me, I don't like it so much. I like to eat fish, but I don't like to catch them.

Autor: Jeff Goldblum
  Me , Friend , Fish , Fishing

Comedians get jokes offered to them, rock stars get women and underwear thrown onstage, and I get guys that want to take me fishing.

Autor: Les Claypool
  Me , Women , Stars , Fishing

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