Frases sobre ''Fired''
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Kohli is always fired up, very animated on the field and plays with passion.
Autor: James AndersonAlways , Up , Passion , Fired
Firstly, we have personnel records of persons we hired, persons we fired, reasons we fired them and so forth. These records have nothing to do with the assassination of the president and, therefore, ought to remain in the files.
Autor: Louis StokesNothing , President , Them , Fired
It's definitely a tough blow to your morale to get fired.
Autor: Nina JacobsonYour , Tough , Get , Fired
I've been fired five times for having a bad attitude.
Autor: Meg RosoffBad , Attitude , Fired , Bad Attitude
Nobody in the Washington regulatory bureaucracy gets fired for saying no.
Autor: Blake FarentholdNobody , Saying , Bureaucracy , Fired
I had a CrossFit trainer for two weeks. I fired him.
Autor: Brantley GilbertTwo , Him , Trainer , Fired
Most recently, terrorist forces have captured Israeli soldiers and fired rockets into Israeli cities - both unprovoked. These acts of aggression deserve the rapid and decisive response they received.
Autor: John BoehnerDeserve , Soldiers , Aggression , Fired