Frases sobre ''Ferrari''
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Lamborghini outperforms Ferrari, every time.
Autor: Fabio LanzoniTime , Every , Ferrari , Every Time
I believe to have been one of the rare drivers to have returned to Ferrari.
Autor: Jacky IckxBelieve , I Believe , Rare , Ferrari
It wasn't all frustration. I've had a lot of good times with Ferrari as well.
Autor: Jean AlesiGood , Frustration , Good Times , Ferrari
We do not invest in advertising... So racing is the best advertising for Ferrari.
Autor: Luca Cordero di MontezemoloBest , Racing , Advertising , Ferrari
If I was a billionaire, I'd have a warehouse full of Ferrari and Lamborghini, but I'm not.
Autor: Rob HalfordFerrari , Full , Billionaire , Warehouse
The Ferrari is a beautiful car. It's great.
Autor: Vanessa FerrariGreat , Beautiful , Car , Ferrari
I took a Ferrari under the 405 freeway. We took rent-a-cars through the desert. That was fun.
Autor: Adam FerraraFun , Through , Desert , Ferrari
My proudest moments are beating Ferrari for the World Championship in 1965, and working with Ford to win Le Mans in 1966 and 1967.
Autor: Carroll ShelbyWorld , Win , Moments , Ferrari
Teams like Ferrari, McLaren and Mercedes are going to be very, very motivated to go for the titles.
Autor: Sebastian VettelLike , Go , Mercedes , Ferrari