Frases sobre ''Fearless''
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Lady Gaga is the present and the future. She is the most revolutionary and inspirational artist. She is fearless and daring.
Autor: Donatella VersaceFuture , Inspirational , Fearless , Lady
That's the thing about Lionsgate. They are fearless. No other studio would have made 'Hunger Games' the way they did. They're being fearless in the way they make decisions, and it's paying off for them.
Autor: Drew GoddardBeing , Way , Decisions , Fearless
When it comes to my work, I'm fearless. I go with my gut.
Autor: Kelly ReillyWork , Go , Fearless , Gut
From the moment I was born, I was fed propaganda. I viewed the Kim dynasty not only as our fearless protectors from the imperialist forces, but also as gods.
Autor: Lee Hyeon-seoMoment , Born , I Was Born , Fearless
It's a lot harder to break bones in golf than motocross. But that made me fearless in a way.
Autor: Rickie FowlerMe , Golf , Way , Fearless
Kristen Bell is rare as an actress, because she's the type of actor who jumps out of a plane without a parachute - from a totally fearless place, which is really refreshing and inspiring.
Autor: Steve AntinPlace , She , Fearless , Refreshing
Millennials are a bit more free-spirited, more able to go into new places, to feel more assertive and fearless about trying new things.
Autor: Payal KadakiaNew , Feel , Fearless , New Things