Frases sobre ''Far Away''

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There are different gradations of personhood in different poems. Some of them seem far away from me and some up close, and the up-close ones generally don't say what I want them to say. And that's true of the persona in the poem who's lamenting this as a fact of a certain stage of life. But it's also true of me as me.

Autor: Anne Carson
  Life , Me , True , Far Away

I get the normal stats, like tackles and pass completion and high-intensity runs. I get them after every game to see how similar they are to every game and to make sure I'm hitting the targets - or not too far away from them.

Autor: Aaron Ramsey
  See , Like , Game , Far Away

The sun is the most parallel light source because it is so far away.

Autor: Conrad Hall
  Light , Far Away , Far , Sun

Please think of me like an endangered species and just observe me quietly from far away. If you try to talk to me or touch me casually, I may get intimidated and bite you. So please be careful.

Autor: Haruki Murakami
  You , Me , Think , Far Away

II know a little about Greek mythology. It's not that far away from the Nordic mythology.

Autor: Mads Mikkelsen
  Know , Away , Far Away , Far

Planets are too dim to be detected with existing equipment, far away, except in these very special circumstances where they're seen by their gravitational effect.

Autor: Murray Gell-Mann
  Special , Seen , Far Away , Circumstances

Stand not too near the rich man lest he destroy thee - and not too far away lest he forget thee.

Autor: Aneurin Bevan
  Forget , Man , Rich , Far Away

Popular music was this abstraction - an abstraction that I was relating to immensely but was ultimately far away.

Autor: Kelela
  Music , Away , Far Away , Far

God drove Cain out of his presence and sent him into exile far away from his native land, so that he passed from a life of human kindness to one which was more akin to the rude existence of a wild beast.

Autor: Saint Ambrose
  Life , God , Kindness , Far Away

Most astronomical work has to do with things that are very, very far away and don't affect our lives very much.

Autor: Carrie Nugent
  Work , Things , Far Away , Far

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