Frases sobre ''Falls''

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I can't do anything else. So if this falls through, I'm screwed.

Autor: Tim Roth
  Anything , Through , Falls , Screwed

Everybody laughs when fatty falls down.

Autor: Chris Farley
  Everybody , Down , Falls , Laughs

He'll call that trickle-down. I call it Niagara Falls.

Autor: Jack Kemp
  He , Call , Falls , Niagara

What genre it falls under is only of interest later.

Autor: Rick Moody
  Only , Interest , Falls , Genre

The science of semiconducting and metallic polymers is inherently interdisciplinary; it falls at the intersection of chemistry and physics.

Autor: Alan J. Heeger
  Science , Physics , Chemistry , Falls

This dark brightness that falls from the stars.

Autor: Pierre Corneille
  Stars , Dark , Falls , Brightness

National Socialism stands or falls by its Weltanschauung.

Autor: Alfred Rosenberg
  National , Socialism , Falls , Stands

One falls in love without thinking!

Autor: Anita Hassanandani Reddy
  Love , Thinking , Without , Falls

If Russia rises, it means that the USA falls down.

Autor: Vladimir Zhirinovsky
  Down , Means , Russia , Falls

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