Frases sobre ''Fairy Tale''

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Everything is for sale in Hollywood; the fairy tale, the costume, the pumpkin, the footman and the mice.

Autor: Amanda Eliasch
  Everything , Fairy Tale , Pumpkin , Fairy

I love that very traditional fairy tale where it's not all 'happily ever after.' I like all that old school, bloody, 'Brothers Grimm' sort of stuff. So you have all those shades of gray in there.

Autor: Erin Morgenstern
  Love , You , School , Fairy Tale

Obsessed by a fairy tale, we spend our lives searching for a magic door and a lost kingdom of peace.

Autor: Eugene O'Neill
  Peace , Door , Magic , Fairy Tale

Nature is a book, a letter, a fairy tale (in the philosophical sense) or whatever you want to call it.

Autor: Johann Georg Hamann
  You , Book , Nature , Fairy Tale

I took lots of photographs and had planned to write a treatise on how it worked, but I quickly got bored with that idea and wrote a scientific fairy tale instead.

Autor: Kit Williams
  How , Fairy Tale , Bored , Fairy

As a little girl living in the English countryside, I used to go running around in the forests, creating my own fairy tale.

Autor: Lily Collins
  Own , Girl , My Own , Fairy Tale

The good historian is like the giant of the fairy tale. He knows that wherever he catches the scent of human flesh, there his quarry lies.

Autor: Marc Bloch
  Like , Good , Fairy Tale , Fairy

Divorce in a young-adult novel means what being orphaned meant in a fairy tale: vulnerability, danger, unwanted independence.

Autor: Caitlin Flanagan
  Being , Fairy Tale , Independence , Divorce

No matter what you write, you actually can't help retelling a fairy tale somewhere along the way.

Autor: Catherynne M. Valente
  You , Way , Matter , Fairy Tale

I'm not sure if it's fair to call it a 'fairy tale,' but I really loved 'Mulan,' the Disney film. It was my favorite. I guess it's not really a fairy tale, but you do get Eddie Murphy as a dragon.

Autor: Lily Cole
  You , Loved , Fairy Tale , Fairy

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