Frases sobre ''Expect''

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A reader should know what he might reasonably expect under a particular label.

Autor: John Christopher
  Know , He , Expect , Should

I expect my next job to be outside government.

Autor: John Engler
  Job , Outside , Expect , Government

I hate Christmas, really. I don't really give presents away or expect any.

Autor: Joy Bryant
  Away , Expect , Hate , Christmas

Governments cannot assume or expect that the ECB will always facilitate their funding independently of the achievement of their fiscal and other policy objectives.

Autor: Lucas Papademos
  Always , Will , Expect , Achievement

I don't expect to be thin, but I'd like to feel a bit healthier.

Autor: Matt Lucas
  Feel , Like , Expect , Thin

I expect to win. I've never been content with anything I've ever done.

Autor: Randy Johnson
  Never , Done , Win , Expect

I didn't expect to be dropped by England.

Autor: Rio Ferdinand
  Expect , England , Dropped

Residents expect their state leaders to deliver solutions for the people of their state.

Autor: Steve Bullock
  People , Expect , Leaders , For The People

Imperialism was genuinely popular among Athenians who would expect to share in its profits, even if only indirectly and collectively, and not to have to bear its burdens.

Autor: J. M. Roberts
  Only , Expect , Share , Bear

Expect people to be better than they are; it helps them to become better. But don't be disappointed when they are not; it helps them to keep trying.

Autor: Mary Browne
  People , Better , Trying , Expect

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