Frases sobre ''Expansion''

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As the global expansion of Indian and Chinese restaurants suggests, xenophobia is directed against foreign people, not foreign cultural imports.

Autor: Eric Hobsbawm
  People , Against , Indian , Expansion

I'm not interested in overexpanding rapidly for expansion's sake.

Autor: Betsy Beers
  Interested , Not Interested , Expansion

Space is really domain expansion.

Autor: Dylan Taylor
  Really , Space , Expansion , Domain

I think Bush understands the Internet and the incredible expansion of global e-commerce.

Autor: Jack Kemp
  Internet , Think , I Think , Expansion

The Medicaid expansion enacted under Obamacare is unaffordable for the taxpayers of Kentucky and should be repealed.

Autor: Matt Bevin
  Should , Obamacare , Expansion , Kentucky

Many obstacles to the expansion of good will have presented themselves.

Autor: Paul P. Harris
  Will , Good , Obstacles , Expansion

Football is about as popular as it can be in the U.S. The upside, the expansion and growth lies overseas.

Autor: Shahid Khan
  About , Football , Growth , Expansion

Expansion means complexity and complexity decay.

Autor: C. Northcote Parkinson
  Means , Complexity , Expansion , Decay

The expansion of choice has become an explosion of choice.

Autor: Sheena Iyengar
  Become , Choice , Expansion , Explosion

NATO expansion and Russian expansion - one leads to the other, and one reflects the other.

Autor: Jeremy Corbyn
  Leads , Other , Expansion , NATO

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