Frases sobre ''Excellent''
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Do not use that foreign word 'ideals.' We have that excellent native word 'lies.'
Autor: Henrik IbsenWord , Use , Lies , Excellent
The acting in 'Downton Abbey' has been consistently excellent across the board.
Autor: James FrainBeen , Acting , Excellent , Board
There ought to be so many who are excellent, there are so few.
Autor: Janet Erskine StuartWho , Few , Many , Excellent
If it's an excellent script, I enjoy it tremendously, the acting part of it.
Autor: Julie LondonPart , Enjoy , Acting , Excellent
Many excellent cooks are spoilt by going into the arts.
Autor: Paul GauguinGoing , Many , Arts , Excellent
Mr. Geithner is an excellent minister. We have a good personal relationship.
Autor: Wolfgang SchaubleGood , Relationship , Personal , Excellent
People saw 'Moonlight' because it was excellent.
Autor: Billy EichnerPeople , Because , Excellent , Moonlight
Sadio Mane is an excellent player. Before I came to Liverpool, I saw him on TV, and I liked him a lot.
Autor: FabinhoHim , Before , Excellent , Liverpool
During this period, with a series of excellent students, we further studied hyperon decays.
Autor: James CroninPeriod , Students , Excellent , Further