Frases sobre ''Ethical''

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For ethical fashion, I really like Reformation. It's so fashionable - no hemp trousers.

Autor: Aisling Bea
  Like , Fashion , Ethical , Reformation

At the end of the day, if there are truly ethical considerations, those have to override scientific considerations.

Autor: David Sainsbury, Baron Sainsbury of Turville
  Day , End , End Of The Day , Ethical

The platform of an Ethical Society is itself the altar; the address must be the fire that burns thereon.

Autor: Felix Adler
  Society , Must , Fire , Ethical

The ethical manifold, conceived of as unified, furnishes, or rather is, the ideal of the whole.

Autor: Felix Adler
  Whole , Rather , Ethical , Ideal

I am committed to the highest standards of ethical conduct for government officials.

Autor: John F. Kerry
  I Am , Government , Ethical , Standards

There are a lot of ethical firms on Wall Street.

Autor: John J. Mack
  Lot , Street , Ethical , Wall

There's always the tendency to transform the Church into an ethical agency, and of measuring the Church by the yardstick of social and cultural utility.

Autor: Karl Lehmann
  Always , Social , Church , Ethical

Compromise on ethical conduct is not an option.

Autor: Rex Tillerson
  Compromise , Ethical , Option , Conduct

A country should be defended not by arms, but by ethical behavior.

Autor: Vinoba Bhave
  Behavior , Country , Should , Ethical

In my family we've always been into ethical stuff and recycling.

Autor: Bonnie Wright
  Always , Family , Ethical , Recycling

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